Securing Your Operations
with Volvo CareTrack

In the construction industry, or any industry for that matter, you know how important it is to meet the schedule. Following deadlines and meeting milestones promptly can encourage better relations with your clients.

One of the best ways to prevent sudden machine breakdowns and minimize downtime is to invest in tools that can help you monitor your machine. When you have sudden downtime, you run the risk of losing precious time, client trust, and money. What’s worse is if this downtime could have been prevented had you invested in the right tools.

A solution to help you stay on top of your machine’s health is Volvo CareTrack. The Volvo CareTrack was designed to help your team monitor your construction equipment’s status. This tool can easily be accessed by authorized personnel on their mobile device or computers.

Your team will benefit from having real-time tech support and a customized maintenance plan made just for your machine. It’ll factor in the model and productivity of your machine for a tailor-made output.

With Volvo CareTrack in your arsenal of tools, you revolutionize the way you manage and execute your projects. Keep reading to learn more about Volvo CareTrack’s features!

What is ActiveCare?

A Volvo CareTrack feature that’s guaranteed to help you keep your Volvo machines in top condition is ActiveCare.

ActiveCare enables your team to monitor your units 24/7. It also generates fleet utilization reports to help you stay in the know about your vehicle’s total usage and if there are any alerts you should know about. This enables your head office to schedule your machine’s downtime accordingly and augment your operations according to these generated reports.

Volvo CareTrack Insights Report Qe12akphq3ljjohzz0l8daa5pmdjh9thghq3w68hgw, Topspot
Volvo CareTrack Report Qe12agy4yrge98ngkyyq3b8bc2w2mhek3z45z2e25s, Topspot

What is Fluid Analysis?

The Fluid Analysis feature of Volvo CareTrack gives your team insight into the Volvo machine’s engine fluids. This helps you keep your vehicle lubricated at all times and prepare to refill fluids before it reaches dangerous levels.

What is the Repair feature?

Volvo’s Repair Feature helps you project the prices of a unit’s repairs by showing you exactly how much these services will cost. This will allow your team to create an accurate budgeting system in case your machine needs repairs.

What is Care Inspection?

To keep your machine running in peak form, you need to have a regular maintenance procedure.

With Volvo CareTrack’s Care Inspection certified Volvo mechanics look over your machine and maintain it in top shape. It gives you the knowledge you need to keep your machine working excellently.

What is Undercarriage Inspection?

The undercarriage is a part that isn’t frequently checked due to how difficult it can be to access it. However, if this part isn’t maintained you risk the safety of your unit, your team, and everyone around them.

Having Volvo’s Undercarriage Inspection feature allows you to monitor your undercarriage’s status so you can maintain it in good condition or repair it before the damage gets critical.

Volvo CareTrack Analysis, Topspot
Volvo CareTrack Monitoring, Topspot

How Can You Avail of Volvo CareTrack in the Philippines?

As you’ve learned above, taking your business to the next level can be executed well with Volvo CareTrack. You must be wondering who you can talk to about availing this service for your business. To get this service, it’s best if you approach a trusted Volvo distributor like Topspot to help you.

Working with Topspot can guarantee a smooth subscription and onboarding process for Volvo’s CareTrack program.

Reach out to us today and boost your operations’ uptime with Volvo CareTrack!

Partner with us and start winning bids

With a customized Customer Support Agreement, all you’ll need to do is operate your machines and complete projects. We’ll handle the rest. Get in touch with us for further inquiries, or fill out our contact form today.

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