A Volvo Truck Chassis Built Just for You

Every business has a different set of requirements for its vehicles, which is dependent on the type of jobs they take on and their industry. Some companies will need their unit to have excellent off-road capabilities while others do not. But one thing remains to be true, a unit built especially for your business’ requirements can boost productivity.

Volvo provides its clients with the opportunity to customize a Volvo FMX according to their needs. First, Volvo will take note of the application of the vehicle before adding components and systems needed to make the unit thrive in that application.

Some of the most common modifications to the Volvo FMX’s chassis involve adding rear suspensions for construction applications or adding lead suspensions to enable trucks to carry massive loads on their axles.

The wide range of customizable features coupled with Volvo’s Dynamic Steering capability makes it unmatched on the field. With the Volvo Chassis, your truck can be built exactly how you’ll need it without compromising productivity, fuel efficiency, or durability.

Learn more about the benefits of Volvo FMX below:

Heavy Duty Front Axles

The Volvo FMX’s chassis is equipped with high axle loads. On a single axle, your Volvo Truck’s heavy-duty front axle can take up to 10 tons of weight, and 20 tons on the dual front axles. So, you won’t need to worry about fully loading your Volvo Truck with the materials you need to accomplish the job.

With the heavy-duty front axles equipped to your Volvo FMX’s chassis, you can take your operations’ productivity even further. Carry more, lessen trips, and make higher profits. That’s the Volvo FMX Chassis promise. Regardless of whether you choose to customize your Volvo Truck with the leaf or air suspension option.

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Volvo FMX Truck Exterior, Topspot

Tandem Axle Lift

When your operators are driving the truck and there’s nothing loaded on it, it doesn’t make sense that the axle is still down. Keeping the axles engaged can wear out tires quicker and consume more gas. To remedy this, Volvo has engineered Volvo Trucks to have a tandem axle lift, so your operators can engage the axle only when they need it.

Volvo’s Tandem Axle Lift enables the truck’s rearmost drive axle to disengage, which increases the truck’s turning radius, reduces tire wear, and lowers fuel consumption. A small feature that can reap big rewards.

Customizable Axle Options

No operation is the same. Some companies may need a truck that can carry heavier loads while others may not. This is why Volvo allows you to customize your own truck.

Before your truck is deployed to you, the unit undergoes a strict approval process by Volvo to ensure its quality. Afterward, upon release, it will be covered by Volvo’s full warranty and aftermarket support. A guarantee that your unit is backed by Volvo’s promise of quality.

Agile Chassis

The Volvo FMX Chassis can be equipped with a steered tag axle to increase your truck’s speed. These steering angles have been increased up to 7 degrees, which has made all the difference in the maneuverability and longevity of your unit.

Thanks to the agile Volvo FMX Chassis, your truck’s tires will take longer to wear out and your drivers will easily be able to maneuver through any challenging terrain with ease.

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FMX Truck From Volvo, Topspot

Making Your Own Volvo FMX Chassis with Topspot

Volvo is in the business of making your operations as productive and efficient as possible. This is why they’ve come up with solutions like the Volvo FMX Chassis customization service, to equip your business with the tools it needs to thrive.

If you’re ready to invest in a Volvo Truck that’s built just for you, make sure to only partner with a trusted Volvo distributor, like Topspot.

Contact us today to learn how you can get started on customizing your own Volvo Truck.


Interested in a heavy-duty construction truck like the Volvo FMX? Send us a message and we’ll give you a call as soon as possible.

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